TeraFlowSDN will collaborate with OpenSlice, the first ETSI SDG to deliver Network Slice as a Service
ETSI announced the creation of OpenSlice, its first Software Development Group (SDG).

TeraFlow Introduces TeraFlowSDN 2.1: A Major Leap in Software-Defined Networking
TeraFlow is thrilled to announce the highly anticipated release of TeraFlowSDN 2.1.

International Women in Engineering Day 2023
International Women in Engineering Day, brought to you by the Women’s Engineering Society (WES) is celebrating in 2023 its 10th year and figures as of June 2021 show that 16.5%

TeraFlow in the European 5G Annual Journal 2023
The European 5G Annual Journal 2023 is the 7th and last

TeraFlow in TechCo Talks
On May 2023, TeraFlow was invited to the TechCo Talks Spanish podcast, powered by Iquall Networks.They interviewed Silvia Almagia, CTI Technical expert at ETSI, the European Tel

IMPORTANT: Call for papers for NetData 2023
Workshop on Network Automation and Data Plane Programmability - NetData 2023Cloud native solutions have revolutionized the way network applications a

TeraFlowSDN Release 2 launched
ETSI Open Source Group TeraFlowSDN and the TeraFlow project, funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020 Programme, have launched the second release of the TeraFl

TeraFlow in the ETSI Research Conference
Ricard Vilalta - ETSI Open Source Group TeraFlowSDN Chair and TeraFlow project coordinator -will present the TeraFlow project in the framework of the&nbs

ETSI Presentation webinar of TeraFlowSDN - RELEASE
On Monday 13th February 2023 at 2:00 pm CET (1:00 pm UTC), the second release of TeraFlow was officially presented on an ETSI webinar through its Brighttalk Channel.

TeraFlowSDN Winner of the Layer123 Network Transformation ‘Upstart of the Year’ Award
On 6th December 2022, the ETSI TeraFlowSDN group (ETSI TFS) won the Layer123 Network Transformation ‘Upstart of the Year’ Award.

TeraFlow invited at the 7th edition of the European 5G Annual Journal
TeraFlow has been invited to present its progress in the seventh edition of the European 5G Annual Journal published by the

Presentation of “Beyond 5G/6G KPIs and Target Values”, a white paper from the Test, Measurement and KPIs Validation Working Group - 5GPPP
Presentation of “Beyond 5G/6G KPIs and Target Values”, a white paper from the Test, Measurement and KPIs Validation Working Group - 5GPPP

Breaking news: TeraFlowSDN becomes the new ETSI OSG
ETSI announced today – 31st May 2022 - their decision of hosting the recently created TeraFlowSDN open-source group.

First TeraFlow face-to-face meeting
In May 2022, after pandemics period and a successful online first project review, the first TeraFlow face-to-face meeting has been held in Castelldefels (Spain).

TeraFlow 1st Review
We are happy to announce that we have successfully completed the first review of the project, held virtually on the 30th of March, 2022

TeraFlow project launches the 1st release of a software-defined cloud-native SDN controller providing capabilities and deployments of Beyond 5G networks
The TeraFlow OS is based on container-based microservices deployed through agile DevOps processes and continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) workflows, to enable transport network abstraction and interoperability across network devices from different vendors and network applications

Meet TeraFlow Advisory Board
TeraFlow celebrated the 1st virtual meeting with the Advisory Board on December 17th, 2021, with the aim to present the impact and the main achievements of each one of the Work

Check the recording and presentations from TeraFlow Workshop at NGON DCI 2021
For 2021, NGON & DCI World ran as an Online Event, delivering content online on the virtual platform - Swapcard, giving TeraFlow and other companies/project