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Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)

  • Spain
Non-profit research institution resulting from a public initiative of the Regional Government of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya). Research activities, both fundamental and applied, are organized onto four research divisions: Communication Networks, Communication Systems, Communication Technologies and Geomatics.
CTTC is the coordinator of TeraFlow and leader of WP1 (“Project Management”). CTTC is also responsible for (i) the TeraFlow OS integration, (ii) the transport network slicing infrastructure, and (iii) providing the suitable integration platform in WP5 for demonstrating the TeraFlow concepts. CTTC also supports communication and dissemination activities and 5GPPP collaboration in WP6.

Telefónica I+D (TID)

  • Spain
Founded in 1988, is the innovation company of the Telefónica Group, contributing to the Group’s competitiveness through technological innovation. TID staff has a long experience in new network architectures, infrastructure security and security services, and is involved in several internal initiatives and collaboration projects related to them.
TID is the Technical Manager in TeraFlow. TID is responsible to lead the project towards an industrial solution that will fulfil operators needs. To do so, TID coordinates WP2 that deals with the use cases and requirements, architecture, technoeconomic studies and data models. TID contributes with the definition of TeraFlow architecture including YANG models to deal with the network functions for multi-layer and network slicing scenarios. TID provides the facilities to demonstrate the use cases for Autonomous network B5G and Cybersecurity. As key industrial partner, TID also contributes to the standardization, dissemination and exploitation activities.
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Atos (ATOS)

  • Spain

Atos is a global leader in digital transformation with over 110,000 employees in 73 countries and annual revenue of over € 11 billion. European number one in Cloud, Cybersecurity and High-Performance Computing, the Group provides end-to-end Orchestrated Hybrid Cloud, Big Data, Business Applications and Digital Workplace solutions. Atos Research & Innovation (ARI), R&D node of Atos, is a point of world reference in innovation for the whole Atos group. Atos participates in R&D projects in national or international consortia that enrich Atos' technological portfolio.

ATOS leads task 2.4 and contributes to use cases definition and TeraFlow OS architecture. ATOS defines the high-performance SDN framework as task 3.1 leader and contributes to the SDN automation and Transport network slicing tasks. ATOS participates in other technical WPs for the interworking across beyond 5G Networks task, provides support for the TeraFlow OS deployment in the testbeds and its integration, taking care of the CI/CD system and the three TeraFlow OS releases and contributes to the use cases integration and demonstration. In addition, ATOS is the WP6 leader, focusing on the development and execution of viable plans for the TeraFlow communication, dissemination, and exploitation activities, to achieve a high measurable impact of the results and ultimately lead to successful adoption of the TeraFlow innovative features for the operator’s ecosystem.



  • Germany

Our company began with a single vision: to transport data, storage, voice and video signals at native speeds and lowest latency. A lot’s changed since that time, but our vision remains the same. Our products are the building blocks for tomorrow’s networks, enabling the transport of increasing amounts of data across the globe. From the access to the metro core to the long haul, we create intelligent, software-automated solutions that will provide future generations with networks that can scale to meet increasing bandwidth demands.

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Chalmers University of Technology (CHAL)

  • Sweden
Chalmers has developed leading research in the areas of life sciences, materials science, information technology, micro-and nanotechnology, environmental sciences and energy. Chalmers has an extensive track record of engaging in EU funded research projects. In the Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation, Chalmers has participated in over 800 projects. On a continuous basis Chalmers is involved in approximately 150 EU-projects with an annual EU funding (2018) for research of 22 M€.
CHAL leads T2.1 and contributes to the definition of the TeraFlow OS architecture and data model. CHAL is involved in WP3 to implement orchestration methods for traffic steering and failure/attack recovery. CHAL also participates in WP4 for developing techniques for the identification and mitigation of cybersecurity threats. CHAL leads the activities in WP5 and T5.3 for the integration and demonstration efforts related to the cybersecurity use case related. Finally, CHAL participates in the dissemination activities of WP6.
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  • Finland
Infinera Corporation is a vertically integrated manufacturer of Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM)-based packet optical transmission equipment and IP transport technologies for the telecommunications service provider market. It is a pioneer in design and manufacture of large-scale photonic integrated circuits (PICs).
Infinera contributes in WP3 to provide OpenConfig support and necessary extensions in IP routers in the TeraFlow project. Moreover, other protocols and monitoring solutions will be considered to provide network automation and L3 services. Moreover, Infinera contributes in WP5 to demonstrate UC1 B5G network automation.
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NEC Laboratories Europe (NEC)

  • Germany
A leader in the integration of IT and network technologies that benefit businesses and people around the world. By providing a combination of products and solutions that cross utilize the company’s experience and global resources, NEC's advanced technologies meet the complex and ever-changing needs of the company’s customers. The lab’s research covers multiple disciplines, ranging from network technologies, IoT, and security and privacy. In particular, the security group within the lab has expertise in IoT security, trusted computing, and blockchain technologies.
NEC leads WP4, and its main involvement within the TeraFlow project is on the distributed ledger and contributions to blockchain technologies and smart contracts and their analysis.
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Telenor Research (TNOR)

  • Norway
Telenor is an international provider of high quality telecommunications, data and media communication services to customers in 9 markets across Asia and Scandinavia. Telenor is also a leading provider of fixed-line and media services to the Scandinavian countries. Telenor Research conducts research on new technology and service opportunities, changing consumer behaviour, changing regulatory regimes, the competitive environment and new technology platforms driving changes in the eco-system.
Based on developments with previous EU projects, TNOR address innovative service concepts, SLAs, and related mechanisms for provisioning and automation. TNOR contributes to the analysis at technical and business level to leverage in a holistic way the components and mechanisms developed within TeraFlow, including its integration into an operational infrastructure and on-demand interaction with customers’ application layer components.
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Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)

  • Spain
The largest Spanish technological university with two recognitions as Campus of International Excellence thanks to its outstanding research activity and training of highly-qualified professionals. More than 2,400 researchers carry out their activity at the UPM, grouped in 204 Research Groups, 19 Research Centers or Institutes and 55 Laboratories, all of them committed to transform the knowledge generated into innovation advances applied to the production sector, contributing to solve the challenges of the European citizens.
UPM leads the cybersecurity use case and contributes to the requirements identification, and architecture definition jointly with the design of Data Models. In addition, UPM leads task 4.1 related to the cybersecurity and integration of TeraFlow for beyond 5G networks (WP4) and contributes to demonstrations and validation in WP5 leading task 5.4 related to KPI validation.
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  • Greece
UBITECH is a leading, highly innovative software house, systems integrator and technology provider, established to provide leading edge intelligent technical solutions and consulting services to businesses, organizations and government. With respect to applied research and innovation activities, UBITECH’s R&D team is focusing on the areas of Cloud Computing, Software and Services; Network Software and 5G Technologies; Digital Security and Privacy, Big Data and Analytics; Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things; Energy Efficiency; Factories of the Future; Life Sciences and e/m-Health; Ambient Assisted and Independent Living; e-Government and Policy Modelling; Lifelong Education and Technology-enhanced Learning.
UBI leads WP3 and T3.4, contributing to high performance flow processing mechanisms through smart hardware offloading, southbound drivers for the integration on NG-SDN devices, and unified abstractions for managing both NG-SDN devices and emerging edge processing devices. Also, contributes with SDN automation mechanisms and transport network slices complying with network-level SLAs. Within other WPs, it provides efficient mechanisms to bridge SDN with legacy networks, contributes to the platform integration, use cases and validation activities, and last but not least, integrates its Vertical Application Orchestrator (VAO) product with TeraFlow’s network orchestrator, enabling end-to-end cloud native applications driven by high performance SDN technologies.
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Dipl.Phys. Peer Stritzinger GmbH (STR)

  • Germany
Peer Stritzinger GmbH specializes in embedded systems software development and device design. It distinguishes itself by reapplying technological knowledge in other domains of computer science like distributed systems, functional programming, real-time systems, concurrency, programming language design and implementation as well as applied cryptography.
Within TeraFlow project, STR is providing the skills and experience in Erlang and Elixir, which allows the design and development of highly scalable and fault tolerant applications.


  • Norway
Norway’s largest university with more than 40 000 students and is the primary Norwegian university in engineering and technology. More than 400 PhD- degrees are awarded yearly. NTNU is an active participant in the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, has a long and successful tradition of hosting and training MSCA candidates, has a mature support system including EU advisors, project economists, HR section and legal department, all with extensive experience in running EU and MSCA projects. NTNU has received the “HR Excellence in Research Award” from the European Commission.
Within the TeraFlow, NTNU participation is related to multi-operator interconnect for multi-operator slicing and techno-economic analysis of proposed solutions. NTNU contributes to Tasks 2.3 and 4.4.
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Old Dog Consulting Ltd. (ODC)

  • United Kindom
Old Dog Consulting (ODC) provides guidance and leadership for researchers, implementers, and deployers of current Internet architecture, and emerging telecoms technologies. The core activity ODC provides includes five broad categories: Product Strategy, Research and Development, Standardisation, and Academic Contributions and Training. Old Dog Consulting also aids software and equipment vendors to develop product strategies.
ODC is the Quality Manager of TeraFlow project. In addition, contributes to the review and design of the architecture within WP2 and WP3. ODC has a key role in steering TeraFlow’s participation in all standards activities within international standardisation organisations.
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SIAE Microelettronica (SIAE)

  • Italy
A leading provider of wireless backhaul solutions, explicitly specialized in point to point (PTP) microwave and mmWave radio systems that provide 4G/5G mobile backhaul, IP and TDM technologies, high speed LAN to LAN interconnections with more than 90 000 PTP radio installed per year.
SIAE contributes to WP3 in the definition of the novel TeraFlow OS SDN controller architecture and to define new models or upgrading existing models for the management of radio devices and integrating them into the TeraFlow OS. SIAE investigates and implements specific transport network slicing strategies that are best suited to the radio transport network domain. As leader of T5.1 coordinates the preparation of the testbed facilities that will be used for the experimentation and performance evaluation activities together with the development of the qualification platform.