UBITECH is a leading, highly innovative software house, systems integrator and technology provider, established to provide leading edge intelligent technical solutions and consulting services to businesses, organizations and government. With respect to applied research and innovation activities, UBITECH’s R&D team is focusing on the areas of Cloud Computing, Software and Services; Network Software and 5G Technologies; Digital Security and Privacy, Big Data and Analytics; Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things; Energy Efficiency; Factories of the Future; Life Sciences and e/m-Health; Ambient Assisted and Independent Living; e-Government and Policy Modelling; Lifelong Education and Technology-enhanced Learning.
UBI leads WP3 and T3.4, contributing to high performance flow processing mechanisms through smart hardware offloading, southbound drivers for the integration on NG-SDN devices, and unified abstractions for managing both NG-SDN devices and emerging edge processing devices. Also, contributes with SDN automation mechanisms and transport network slices complying with network-level SLAs. Within other WPs, it provides efficient mechanisms to bridge SDN with legacy networks, contributes to the platform integration, use cases and validation activities, and last but not least, integrates its Vertical Application Orchestrator (VAO) product with TeraFlow’s network orchestrator, enabling end-to-end cloud native applications driven by high performance SDN technologies.