Barcelona, Spain

NetBCN is the open community around Internet and network technologies in Barcelona area. Established at the beginning of 2019, it is the evolution of the original SDN and Network Programmability MeetUp, which started in 2016.

With an innovative after-work format - workshop or tutorials on popular or emerging technologies, a panel of experts sharing tips to advance careers, a couple of presentations or simply joining together over craft beers in an informal way - NetBCN embraces a wide set of topics related to Internet, Networking and Software and discuss about them, either online or in-person.

Our TeraFlow H2020 project coordinator, Ricard Vilalta from Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) was with NetBCN presenting TeraFlowSDN. The session was shared with Xavier Homs (Palo Alto Networks). Network to Code and New Relic, Inc. were sponsors of the event.