

End-to-End Inter-domain Transport Network Slice Management Using DLT-enabled Cloud-based SDN Controllers (invited paper)

2023 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC2023)
This paper discusses the advantages and challenges of multiple architectures that consider the negotiation of inter-domain transport network slices using blockchain technologies. To this end, we present results obtained using cloud-native ETSI TeraFlowSDN controller.

Demo Track Paper: Demonstrating QoE-aware 5G Network Slicing Emulated with HTB in OMNeT++

2022 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (IEEE INFOCOM WKSHPS 2022)
Today's networks support a great variety of services with different bandwidth and latency requirements. To maintain high user satisfaction and efficient resource utilization, providers employ traffic shaping.

Towards Assessing Effects of Isolation on Determinism in Multi-Application Scenarios

2022 ACM SIGCOMM - FIRA'22: Workshop on Future of Internet Routing & Addressing
In addition to the already present heterogeneity in the network service and application ecosystem, new challenges come in the form of emerging applications which require deterministic delay performance characteristics that go beyond traditional SLAs.

QoS-Aware Inter-Domain Connectivity: Control Plane Design and Operational Considerations

2022 - NOMS 2022 - IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium - FlexNGIA Workshop 2022
Abstract: Scenarios related to 5G and beyond give rise to a high degree of heterogeneity in terms of applications, services, and user expectations as well as more demanding QoS requirements with an end-to-end scope that can cover multiple operator domains.

HTBQueue: A Hierarchical Token Bucket Implementation for the OMNeT++/INET Framework

2021 - 8th OMNET++ community summit
The hierarchical token bucket (HTB) algorithm allows to specify per-flow bitrate guarantees and enables excess bandwidth sharing between flows of the same class. Additionally, it provides capabilities to prioritize the traffic of specific flows, potentially considering their delay demands.

Survivability Assessment of 5G Network Slicing During Massive Outages

0- 2023 - RNDM2023 - 13th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling
Mobile networks support variety of heterogeneous services, including the emergency and mission-critical ones.